IT becoming Compulsory in Education

Upgradation of Teachers
April 23, 2021
IT becoming Compulsory in Education

IT Becoming Compulsory in Education

Blog by Syed Kumail Hassan Shah

Now a days technology is taking charge in almost every aspect of life. The Basic needs of humanity have always been Food, Shelter, Re-production & Communication. Technology is placing its impact over all these aspects since the beginning.  The evolution of human being is dependent upon the blend of Education with Technology.  We Pakistanis are considered one of the most intelligent nations around the world. Pakistanis are working worldwide in the field of information technology and benefiting the business and ideologies of West. India being our neighbor takes edge on us just because of excelling in Information Technology. The authorities must consider the role of technology in the upgradation and development of the country.   

The impact of technology is and can be extremely significant as far as the education sector is concerned. It is only through the use of technology that we can negate the importance of physical presence and reach every child in every corner of this country. This flattening of the world will help us in reaching out to not only various schools and children of the country but the world as well. The use of technology also makes the entire process of learning not only interesting but more impactful as well.

The education sector has, unfortunately, always held a reputation of being a laggard as far as technology adoption goes. However, we cannot ignore the fact anymore that the next gen that we are targeting is tech-friendly. They start on these technological advancements as soon as they are born and are far away from the traditional way of doing things that we are used to. To cater to this audience, one needs to talk to them in their own language, which is technology.

The various interactive methods that are available to us thanks to technology, make the entire learning process not just interesting but easier for the kids also to hook on to subjects and understand them as well. Watching a 3D version of a heart is much more interesting than reading about it.

Even the teachers, who are going to impart knowledge to the future generation, belong to an era, which is breeding and living on technologies like Facebook and Wikipedia. There is no way that we can stop our children from being on these platforms as well. So what is the way out? The only way is to make them responsible enough to use these platforms in the right way.

With many such platforms cropping up every now and then, isn’t it our duty to not only make our children realize their pros and cons but also to make them comfortable with the same? There is so much of content available to kids these days on the Internet. A mine of information from around the world is at their fingertips. With the right kind of education, they can make optimum use of this gift.

Also, schools should make themselves technology friendly, not just for students but for parents as well. Why make them waste their precious time and come and pay school fees in scorching heat? Why can’t they have a day-to-day report online about their child’s progress? The several modules of a school should be automated using technology to make such experiences pleasant for the parents rather than a pain.

One can implement an appropriate ERP system to integrate all functions within the school and make sure that they work seamlessly with each other. It will also provide the school with the capacity to multiply and grow in other cities as well, in a proper fashion.



History of Computer Importance by Syed Kumail Hassan Shah Sindh
Seminar by Syed Kumail Hassan Shah

Information Technology is making understanding easy for students specially the kids in Montessori. YouTube has become the center of attraction/interest for the kids. Kids love to watch cartoons on mobile phones, tablets & LEDs. Kids love to play games and use different gadget to explore and observe while growing.  In the 21st Century, Technology has struck the humanity since they take birth. Technology drives them through educational journey and  teach them the way of life. 

The use of Information Technology in the classroom has left behind the traditional methods of giving long boring lectures. Using IT the teachers can create interesting audio and visual presentations which will keep the students engaged and will give them a greater understanding of all the concepts. Besides this, such a methodology can give rise to interactive sessions between students and teachers. Everyone likes watching animated videos. Using Information Technology the whole classroom can be digitalized thus making both teaching and the process of learning much easier.

As the students reach their young age the transformation of mobile phone use evolves in order to communicate the real world. Communication involves the transportation through automobile and that is also an integral part of technology evolution. Media Communication also plays a vital role in transmission and propagation of news and information so that we can be updated every time. Communication is a key to success and this key has been taken over by technology.  

The internet of Things ioT can help increase user access and reduce complexity. IT also helps school administration and management to track the progress of individual students and the parents can also be kept up to date about the achievement of their child. This technology can be beneficial for the teachers to focus on the week students and help them grow better.


Culture and Technology by Syed Kumail Hassan Shah Sindhi Topi Ajrak Day
Mobile Application Design by Syed Kumail Hassan Shah Sindh Education

In the end, I would say that technology can revolutionize the education system of our country. The authorities must consider the importance and influence of technology so that they can train the young generation in such a way that they can easily face the challenges of the competitive world. Pakistanis have always proved to surprise in hard times and emerged as struggling nation. This time we all need to struggle in the field of education by bringing an IT revolution country wide. Parents, Teachers and government must be serious while addressing the weakness of Information Technology in the youngsters.

Almost in every job opportunity IT education is required and that is a perfect initiative to promote IT education in schools, colleges and universities.  Freelancing has emerged as a powerful field as compared to Medical, Engineering and Commerce. Digital Marketing and Content Creation has reached the peaks of every industry. From now onwards doctors will be considered good doctors only if they use a laptop or understand the use of technology in the medical field. An Engineer can never be a good engineer if software awareness lacks in the field work. A good bussinesman will always use technology to manage profit and loss in business. Artist are oing to use digital means to express ideas, thoughts and imagination. Political campaigns will use hologram technology to simultaneously speak to audience of more than one town/district/city. A Country can never become a superpower if not aced in technology!

A Blog by Syed Kumail Hassan Shah (Director Green Institute of Technology GIT) 


  1. Ali Haider says:

    It was a wonderful experience!

  2. Kunza says:

    Very informative keep sharing your knowledge ❤️

  3. Maarej Naz says:

    Brilliant and it will be very helpful for all..
    Without technology we can’t survive life in upgraded world
    Schools, Colleges, Universities, and all institutions must have to add up IT subjects for candidate..
    Education means to develop yourself with technology..

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