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ICT Types of Computer

In these Computers, information is represented by variables which having discrete values, i.e. il operates on the inputs that are ON-OFF switching. Digital computers process data. Which is in the form of digits? In these Computers all operations take place at a very high speed and produce very accurate and precise results, e.g. Digital computer. .Calculators. Digital Watches, etc.

ICT Types of Computer

Types of Computer (w.r.t. internal structure)

There are three type of Computer

a) Digital Computers. b) Analog Computers, c) Hybrid Computers,

a. Digital Computers:

 In these Computers, information is represented by variables which having discrete values, i.e. il operates on the inputs that are ON-OFF switching. Digital computers process data. Which is in the form of digits? In these Computers all operations take place at a very high speed and produce very accurate and precise results, e.g. Digital computer. .Calculators. Digital Watches, etc.

a)      Analog Computers:-

 These machines process information, which is of, continues nature and which is not discrete or separate. An Analog computer is used for measurement. The speed of analog is fast but not so accurate. Analog computer measure Temperature, Pressure. Current Voltage and Depth etc. These quantities continue in nature and have millions of varieties. OR in other words we can say that in these Computers, information is represented in continues form. e.g..

Automobile Speed Meter, Current, Analog watch, etc.

Differentiate between Analog and Digital Computers: – Analog Computers measure while Digital Computers count. Analog Computers are fast but not so accurate, while Digital Computers are fast as well as more accurate..

b)      Hybrid Computer:-

Hybrid Computers combine the properties of both Digital Computers and Analog Computers for solving the problems e.g. Hybrid Computers have the speed of Analog Computers and accuracy of Digital Computers. These Computers are used in some specialized applications, e.g. Flight Radar System, National Defense, Hybrid Watches, digital petrol pumps etc.


Types Of Computer W.R.T Size

a) Mainframe Computers: 

These are the most expensive, largest and fastest Computers, used in large Organizations. Mainframes have the facilities to communicate with large amount of data and support several input and output devices. The cost of typical mainframe is in million rupees and can serve as much as 150 users. . ‘

These Computers have Memory of several hundred Mbs, and operate at a speed of measure in nanoseconds, e.g. IBM/360, IBM/3090, etc. b) Mini Computers: 

These Computers are larger than PCs, both in size and other facilities such as„speed, storage capacity, etc. These Computers have the capabilities to serve many Users at one time. They are costly as compared to PCs. Their speeds are rated between 1 and 50 MIPS. E.g.  Vax/11730. IBM/8370, etc. c) Micro Computers:

These are also called Personal Computers (PC). These are the most popular digital Computers used in all fields of life. These are small in memory and have less processing capability. These are also called Chip Computers, because its entire circuitry is fabricated on a single chip, the microcomputer of today is equivalent to the main frame of tomorrow, e.g 1BM-PC, XT. A 1. Compatibles, 286. 386.486, 586, P-l. P-H, P-1II, P-IV etc.

d) Super Computers: –

Super Computers are also called “Number Crunchers‖ because, they are specialized Computers for dealing with numbers, i.e. they are capable of performing over 10 Mega flops (i.e. millions floating point operations per second). These Computers are very much expansive. Two families of commercially available Super Computers are the GRAY-I and Cyber205 built by 111iac-iv. These are specially used in Atomic reactor, defense system of NASA. (USA)

Super computer is mostly used for weather predication, weapon design, preparing model of chemical and biological system, and studying the neural network of brain. These are specially used in Atomic reactor.


Super computer is also used in business and industries field. 

ICT Types of Computer

ICT Types of Computer

ICT Types of Computer

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Kumail.pk is a Free Platform of Education initiated by Syed Kumail Hassan Shah (Director GIT Education)
