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ICT System Software

ICT System Software is a set of programs that control and manage the operations of computer hardware. It also helps application programs to execute correctly.

ICT System Software

System Software

There are two main types of software: systems software and application software. Systems software includes the programs that are dedicated to managing the computer itself, such as the operating system, file management utilities, and disk operating system (or DOS). 


System software is a software that provides platform to other softwares. Some examples can be operating systems, antivirus softwares, disk formatting softwares, Computer language translators etc. These are commonly prepared by the computer manufacturers. These softwares consists of programs written in low-level languages, used to interact with the hardware at a very basic level. System software serves as the interface between the hardware and the end users. 

The most important features of system software include : 
1. Closeness to the system 
2. Fast speed 
3. Difficult to manipulate 
4. Written in low level language 
5. Difficult to design  

Operating System

An operating system (OS) is a type of system software that manages computer’s hardware and software resources. It provides common services for computer programs. An OS acts a link between the software and the hardware. It controls and keeps a record of the execution of all other programs that are present in the computer, including application programs and other system software. 

The most important tasks performed by the operating system are 

1. Memory Management: The OS keeps track of the primary memory and allocates the memory when a process requests it. 
2. Processor Management: Allocates the main memory (RAM) to a process and de-allocates it when it is no longer required. 
3. File Management: Allocates and de-allocates the resources and decides who gets the resources. 
4. Security: Prevents unauthorized access to programs and data by means of passwords. 
5. Error-detecting Aids: Production of dumps, traces, error messages, and other debugging and error-detecting methods. 
6. Scheduling: The OS schedules process through its scheduling algorithms. 

Compiler : A compiler is a software that translates the code written in one language to some other language without changing the meaning of the program. The compiler is also said to make the target code efficient and optimized in terms of time and space. 

A compiler performs almost all of the following operations during compilation: preprocessing, lexical analysis, parsing, semantic analysis (syntax-directed translation), conversion of input programs to an intermediate representation, code optimization and code generation. Examples of compiler may include gcc(C compiler), g++ (C++ Compiler ), javac (Java Compiler) etc. 

Interpreter : An interpreter is a computer program that directly executes, i.e. it performs instructions written in a programming or scripting language. Interpreter do not require the program to be previously compiled into a machine language program. An interpreter translates high-level instructions into an intermediate form, which is then executes. 

Interpreters are fast as it does not need to go through the compilation stage during which machine instructions are generated. Interpretter continuously translates the program until the first error is met. If an error comes it stops executing. Hence debugging is easy. Examples may include Ruby, Python, PHP etc. 

Assembler : An assembler is a program that converts assembly language into machine code. It takes the basic commands and operations and converts them into binary code specific to a type of processor. 

Assemblers produce executable code that similar to compilers. However, assemblers are more simplistic since they only convert low-level code (assembly language) to machine code. Since each assembly language is designed for a specific processor, assembling a program is performed using a simple one-to-one mapping from assembly code to machine code. On the other hand, compilers must convert generic high-level source code into machine code for a specific processor. 

What is an Application Software?

Application Software is a program that does real work for the user. It is mostly created to perform a specific task for a user.

Application Software acts as a mediator between the end-user and System Software. It is also known as an application package. This type of software is written using a high-level language like C, Java, VB. Net, etc. It is a user-specific and is designed to meet the requirements of the user.

You can also install multiple Application Software on a single System Software. You can store this kind of software on CDs, DVDs, flash derive, or keychain storage devices. Example: Word-processing, Spreadsheet, Database, etc.


  • System software are designed to manage the resources of the system, like memory and process management, security, etc. whereas Application software are designed to fulfil the requirements of the user for performing specific tasks.
  • The System Software is a general-purpose software while the Application Software is specific purpose software.
  • System Software is written in a low-level language like a machine or assembly language but Application software is a high-level language is used to write Application Software.
  • System Software is capable of running independently while Application software can’t run independently.
  • The System Software starts running when the system is powered on and runs until the system is powered off while the Application Software starts when the user begins, and it ends when the user stops it.
  • System software are independent of the application software while an Application software needs system software to run.

Types of System Software

Here are the important types of System Software:

  • Operating systems:- Operating system software helps you for the effective utilization of all hardware and software components of a computer system.
  • Programming language translators:- Transforms the instructions prepared by developers in a programming language into a form that can be interpreted or compiled and executed by a computer system.
  • Communication Software : – Communication software allows us to transfer data and programs from one computer system to another.
  • Utility programs: – Utility programs are a set of programs that help users in system maintenance tasks, and in performing tasks of routine nature.

Types of Application Software

Here, are some important types of Application Software

  • Word-processing software:- It makes use of a computer for creating, modifying, viewing, storing, retrieving, and printing documents.
  • Spreadsheet software:- Spreadsheet software is a numeric data-analysis tool that allows you to create a computerized ledger.
  • Database software:- A database software is a collection of related data that is stored and retrieved according to user demand.
  • Graphics software:- It allows computer systems for creating, editing, drawings, graphs, etc.
  • Education software:- Education software allows a computer to be used as a learning and teaching tool.
  • Entertainment software:- This type of app allows a computer to be used as an entertainment tool.

Features of Application Software

An important feature of Application Software:

  • Perform more specialized tasks like word processing, spreadsheets, email, photo editing, etc.
  • It needs more storage space as it is bigger in size
  • Easy to design and more interactive for the user
  • Generally written in a high-level language

Features of System Software

An important feature of System Software are:

  • System Software is closer to the system
  • Generally written in a low-level language
  • The system software is difficult to design and understand
  • Fast in speed
  • Less interactive
  • Smaller in size
  • Hard to manipulate

System Software vs. Application software

Here are major differences between System and Application software:

System SoftwareApplication Software
They are designed to manage the resources of the system, like memory and process management, security, etc.They are designed to fulfill the requirements of the user for performing specific tasks.
It is written in a low-level language like a machine or assembly language.A high-level language is used to write Application Software.
The System Software starts running when the system is powered on and runs until the system is powered off.The Application Software starts when the user begins, and it ends when the user stops it.
The System Software is a general-purpose softwareApplication Software is specific purpose software.
It is classified as a package program or customized program.It is classified as time-sharing, resource sharing, client-server.
Installed on the computer system at the time when the operating system is installed.Installed as per user’s requirements.
Capable of running independently.Can’t run independently.
Users never interact with system software as it functions in the background.Users interact with application software while using specific applications.
System software are independent of the application softwareApplication software needs system software to run.
System software is crucial for the effective functioning of a system.Application software is not extremely important for the functioning of the system.

ICT System Software

ICT System Software


You have 200 seconds to complete the quiz!

You have 200 seconds to complete the quiz!

Created on
ICT DIT Notes Books Course Outline by Syed Kumail Hassan

ICT Quiz Level1

Multiple Choice Questions ICT Level 1

1 / 20

The wheel located between the two standard buttons on a mouse is used to.....

2 / 20

"ALU" stands for

3 / 20

A computer is also called?

4 / 20

Which of the following is an output device?

5 / 20

The most important piece of hardware is the

6 / 20

Powerful key that lets you exit a program when pushed ________________

7 / 20

Press ______ to select all files.

8 / 20

The memory which is used in the computer as temporary memory is

9 / 20

Identify the input device

10 / 20

The main circuit board in a computer is called the .....

11 / 20

Pressing ____________ key opens the Start menu.

12 / 20

1 kB is equal to

13 / 20


14 / 20

Deleted files and folders are stored in _______________

15 / 20

The memory which starts the computer is

16 / 20

ICT Stands for

17 / 20

The first screen that appears on monitor after loading OS is called ________________

18 / 20

USB is a device used to store data and it stands for ?

19 / 20

Term hardware is referred to

20 / 20

A computer is an _____________ machine

Your score is

The average score is 73%


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Kumail.pk is a Free Platform of Education initiated by Syed Kumail Hassan Shah (Director GIT Education)
