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ICT History of Computers

 The history of Computer is very old; i.e. it goes back to some 500 years BC. The first computing machine was used by the Chinese before 15th century .The name of this machine was Abacus. ‘ 

History of Computers: 

The history of Computer is very old; i.e. it goes back to some 500 years BC. The first computing machine was used by the Chinese before 15th century .The name of this machine was Abacus. ‘

However in 1812 an English mathematician from Cambridge University. Mr. Charles Babbage designed a machine called DIFFERENCE ENGINE. This, machine was capable of calculating powers of numbers. Babbage also gave the idea of an ANAEYTICAE ENGINE, which was supported to be general-purpose machine having the ability to calculate various arithmetic and/or algebraic formulas.

Store data and print results. He died soon and never converted his dreams into reality. The analytical engine was not a successful machine but it gave birth to the research in the field of computers.

In 1946, John MaUchly and J,P. Eckert developed an Electronic, Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) at the Moore school of Engineering and Technology, Pennsylvania USA. This was the first truly successful computer after Mark-I and Mark-II developed at Manchester University. There were three main drawbacks in the ENIAC as follows:

1.    It used serial lines for processing.

2.    Mo storage facility was available.

3.    It used decimal numbers instead of binary number system.

These problems were successfully overcome with the development of John V.on Neumann‘s Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC) developed in 1950. It was the first computer capable of doing non-scientific work. Besides, most of today‘s computers are based on the working of EDVAC. The development of these machines materialized the existence of computers and they became a commercial entity used in many government organizations. As EDVAC was the first machine that was used by the people for solving their problems, but still it was not a useful machine because it could not solve all the problems of that time. Therefore, efforts were rode to develop such a machine, which can solve all our problems. In this connection, the scientists make developments from time to time and improve the previous machine into a latest one. Due to these improvements, we have now Computers, which can solve all types of problems.


The use of computer was not so common several years ago as it is today.

The following are advantage s/important of computer

1.    Speed:-Computer works at a very high speed and are much faster than humans. A computer can perform billions of calculations in a second. The time used by a computer to perform an operation is called the processing speed. Computer speed is measured in Mega Hertz (MHz)

2.    Storage:-A computer can store large amount of data permanently user can use this data at any time.

3.    Processing:-A computer can process the given instruction. It can perform different type of processing like addition, subtract, division etc.

4.    Accuracy:-Accuracy means to provide result without any error. Computer can process large amount of data and generate accurate result.

5.    Communication:-Most computers today have the capability of communicating with other computer. We can connect two or more computer by communication device such as modem, NIC card.

6.    Versatile:-A computer can perform different type of task. We can use computer in hospital, bank. Office or at home etc.


7.    Cost reduction:-We can perform a difficult task in less time and less cost. For example we have hire many people to handle an office. The same work can be performed by a single person. 

History of Computers

ICT History of Computers

History of Computers

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