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ICT Generations of Computer

Although, the development of Computers is a continuous process, however, it can be categorized into the following generations based on the technology used for the Computer systems.

ICT Generations of Computer

Although, the development of Computers is a continuous process, however, it can be categorized into the following generations based on the technology used for the Computer systems.

          1.           First Generation (1942-1955):-

All the Computers developed in this generation were based on Vacuum-Tubes technology. For example. EN1AC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), Mark-1. Mark-11 ets.


                       Vacuum tube technology made possible to make electronic digital computers.

                       These computer could calculate data in millisecond.


                       These were very large.

                       Consumed a large amount of energy.

                       Very slow


                       Use machine language only

                       Heated very soon due to thousands of vacuum tubes.

2. Second Generation (1955-1964):-

The Computers of this generation were based on Transistor technology (Vacuum tube replace by transistor) and they opened tlie gateway fO the commercial development for sale of computers. The trahsistors-were small in size, fast in operation and less expensive than vacuum tubes, e.g. . EDVAC, IBM-1401 Advantages

Smaller in size as compared to first generation computers.

                       Less energy used Produce less heat

                       Less costly.

                       Speed of these Computers was high.

                       Use of assembly language instead of machine language

          3.            Third            Generation(l 964-1975)

The Computers of this generation were based on integrated circuits (ICs) technology (transistor replace by ICs). In early 1960 the electronic technology of solid-state was introduced. The development of integrated circuits (ICs) is called solid-state technology or Small Scale Integration (SSI). The integrated circuits (ICs) are the collection of many electronic devices like transistors on a single chip of silicon. This technology enabled the computers to enter into electronic revolution. IBM-360 etc.


                       Smaller in size as compared to previous generation

                       Less energy used

                       Produce less heat

                       More good speed, calculate data in nano seconds.

                       Less expensive

                       Could be use high ievcl language Disadvantage

                       Air condition was required

                       High technology required for the manufacture of IC Chips.

4. Fourth Generation Computer(1975-Present)

In this generation, microprocessors where used. Microprocessor is small chip containing thousands of ICs on it. It greatly reduced the size of computer.

In this generation Microprocessor was introduced, due to which microcomputers were made. For example, IBM-PC etc.


                      Very small in size

                      Less power consumption

                      Less heat generated

                      Best speed

                      General purpose

                      Commercial production Disadvantage

                      High advance technology required for manufacturing microprocessor

5.                     Fifth Generation(AI)(1980-1990)

The rapid progress in computer technology is still continued and active research is going on in different fields of computer technology but there is no well-defined categorization after fourth generation. The reason may be that now the developments are taking place in a variety of fields of computer hardware and software as compared to the previous developments, which mostly took place in the fields of electronics.

Hence the Computers of this generation were based on the principles of AI and also in this generation, Software development, was give more importance than Hardware, as a result of which Artificial Intelligence was introduced, e.g. Robotics, Computer Vision etc.

6.                     Sixth Generation(ANN’S)(Since 1990):-

The Computers of this generation are based on the principles of Artificial Neural Network System (ANNS). As a result, now the Computers can think and decide for solving different problems, e.g. Character recognition etc.

ICT Generations of Computer

ICT Generations of Computer

ICT Generations of Computer

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Kumail.pk is a Free Platform of Education initiated by Syed Kumail Hassan Shah (Director GIT Education)
