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Computer Technology and Internet commerce are among the fastest growing and most promising industries in the United States. A recent government report notes that more than half of U.S. nonfarm industries either produce information technology (IT) directly or invest in and use information technology products and services. U.S. Commerce Department, The Emerging Digital Economy II (1999). The information technology sector of the U.S. economy represented 8 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in 1999, accounting for more than $700 billion. Computer software accounted for $200 billion of this total. The IT sector of the U.S. economy has steadily increased its share of the GDP in the 1990s and shows no sign of slowing down. These patterns can be seen throughout the global economy.

Computer Technology (Information Technology)

Computer Technology or Information Technology “IT” is one of the fastest growing industry in today’s unstable economy. Various research shows that people related to the IT industry are paid higher as compared to other fields. Why? Because many businesses, Government organizations, Industries want to automate their business & day-to-day processes. The term Information Technology is almost always referred to computers & computer networks, but it also includes Telephones, Television, Telecom industry & even people who works in those industries. According to Wikipedia, The word “Information Technology” was first used in an article published in Harvard Business review in 1958.

Information Technology Definition

We can simply define Information Technology as “any technology through which we get information is called information technology”.

Often times, the term IT is applied to computers and computer-based systems. However, the roots of the word technology suggest that it is a “means” to an end”. For example, using a book of matches is a means to creating a fire. The end is fire itself. A bicycle is a means of transportation. The goal of bicycle riding is to reach a destination, and perhaps also to get some needed exercise.

Consequently, when we talk about the use of technology, we must always remember that it is a means, not an end in itself. Technology in the broadest sense is the application of modern communications and computing technologies to the creation, management and use of knowledge.

IT typically refers to equipment such as computers, data storage devices, networks and also communication devices.

Information Technology means the use of hardware, software, services and supporting infrastructure to manage and deliver information using voices, data and video.

To further define information technology and what should be included as far as the IT budget, the following information is provided.

What Does Information Technology Includes?

Information technology includes:

  1. All computers with a human interface.
  2. All computer peripherals which will not operate unless connected to a computer or network.
  3. All voice, video and data networks and the equipment, staff and purchased services necessary to operate them.
  4. All salary and benefits for staff whose job descriptions specifically include technology functions, i.e network services, applications development, systems administration.
  5. All technology services provided by vendors or contractors.
  6. Operating costs associated with providing information technology.
  7. All costs associated with developing, purchasing, licensing or maintaining software.

Agencies may wish to include other costs at their discretion. For example, an agency may wish to include digital cameras in their IT budget even though they can be operated stand alone, Data entry personnel may be included if they are considered part of the technology staff. Costs that are excluded above may be included if they are an integral part of a computer applications or would be difficult to break out because the costs are included with other information technology costs.

More Specifically Information Technology Means

  1. Managing a network of computers.
  2. Creating original web pages.
  3. Producing videos digitally.
  4. Designing computer systems as a consultant.
  5. Vendors selling products on the internet.
  6. Designing 3D artwork.
  7. Administering a company’s database.
  8. Coding software.
  9. Providing technical support.
  10. Managing projects and budgets.
  11. Writing technical documentation.

Examples Of Information Technology Are

  1. Telephone and radio equipment and switches used for voice communications.
  2. Traditional computer applications that include data storage and programs to input, process and output the data.
  3. Software and support for office automation systems such as word processing and spreadsheets, as well as the computer to run them.
  4. User, PCs & software.
  5. Data networks and all associated communications equipment such as servers, bridges, routers, hubs & wiring.
  6. Peripherals directly connected to computer information systems used to collect or transmit audio, video or graphic information, such as scanners and digitizers.
  7. Voice response systems that interact with a computer database or application.
  8. Video conferencing equipment.
  9. The state radio communications network.
  10. Computers and network systems used by teachers, trainers and students for educational purpose.
  11. “Open” computer systems that monitor or automate mechanical or chemical processes and also store information used by computer applications for analysis and decision making.
  12. All operating costs, equipment and staff time associated with supporting the technology infrastructure of the agency, possibly including items excluded above, such as video equipment used for technology training that is included in the information systems costs center for the agency.

Computer Technology

Computer Technology

Computer Technology


You have 200 seconds to complete the quiz!

You have 200 seconds to complete the quiz!

Created on
ICT DIT Notes Books Course Outline by Syed Kumail Hassan

ICT Quiz Level1

Multiple Choice Questions ICT Level 1

1 / 20

ICT Stands for

2 / 20

A computer is also called?

3 / 20

The memory which is used in the computer as temporary memory is

4 / 20

The main circuit board in a computer is called the .....

5 / 20

Deleted files and folders are stored in _______________

6 / 20

Which of the following is an output device?

7 / 20

Pressing ____________ key opens the Start menu.

8 / 20

A computer is an _____________ machine

9 / 20

The most important piece of hardware is the

10 / 20

Term hardware is referred to

11 / 20

Press ______ to select all files.

12 / 20

The memory which starts the computer is

13 / 20

"ALU" stands for

14 / 20

Powerful key that lets you exit a program when pushed ________________

15 / 20

The first screen that appears on monitor after loading OS is called ________________

16 / 20


17 / 20

The wheel located between the two standard buttons on a mouse is used to.....

18 / 20

Identify the input device

19 / 20

1 kB is equal to

20 / 20

USB is a device used to store data and it stands for ?

Your score is

The average score is 72%


About Us

Kumail.pk is a Free Platform of Education initiated by Syed Kumail Hassan Shah (Director GIT Education)
