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Define Information Accuracy

The information accuracy is the type of measurement that assures the information is correct and true. It is also necessary that the information should not be generated from the malicious data. For information accuracy, the data must be from reputable sources.

Information Accuracy (Computer Ethics)

Professional ethics involve the personal and corporate principles and rules that guide behavior within the context of a profession. The role of a professional code of ethics is to clarify values and rules and can be used as a framework for discipline. Computing professionals’ actions change the world. To act responsibly, they should reect upon the wider impacts of their work, consistently supporting the public good. Here are some guiding principles: Ÿ Contribute to society and human well-being, acknowledging that all people are stakeholders in computing. Ÿ Be honest and trustworthy. Ÿ Respect the equipment. Ÿ Avoid causing any harm. Ÿ Be fair and act not to discriminate, bully or harass. Ÿ Respect the work required to produce new ideas, inventions, creative works, and computing artifacts. Ÿ Respect privacy and maintain condentiality. Ÿ Maintain high standards of professional competence, conduct, and ethical practice. Ÿ Create opportunities for other individuals or groups to grow as professionals. Ÿ Manage personnel and resources to enhance the quality of work life. Ÿ Ensure that the public good is the central concern during all professional computing work. Ÿ Access computing and communication resources only when authorized. Ÿ Foster public awareness and understanding of computing, related technologies and their consequences. 

Dene Information Accuracy The information accuracy is the type of measurement that assures the information is correct and true. It is also necessary that the information should not be generated from the malicious data. For information accuracy, the data must be from reputable sources. In the era of information explosion, we need to be more careful while using or disseminating information. The use of unreliable sources results in inaccurate information. Especially, the accuracy of information shared on social media is often questionable.

Intellectual Property Right When any person develops software, writes a book or research paper or invents any method or the machine, it becomes the intellectual property of that person. Intellectual property is intangible creations of the human intellect. Just like other property the intellectual property can be stolen. To prevent theft or illegal use or spread of intellectual property, Intellectual Property Right is exercised. Through these rights, intellectual property is protected with the help of copyrights, patents, and trademarks. They allow creators or owners of patents, trademarks or copyrighted works to benet from their work or investment. Under these rights, no other person or organization can copy or reproduce any other’s intellectual property. Intellectual property rights are acclaimed worldwide. In Pakistan, Intellectual Property Organization (IP O ) r e gulat e s the matt e r s regarding intellectual property rights.

 Patent A patent is a grant of exclusive rights for an invention to make, use and sell the invention for a limited period, in Pakistan 20 years. Owning a patent gives the patent holder the right to stop someone else from making, using or selling his or her invention without permission. To protect students and scholars, the Higher Education Commission also offers support to get patents registered with Intellectual Property Organization (IPO). The patentable process or invention must be novel, possess inventive steps and can be used in industries. (ii) Copyright Copyright is a legal instrument that provides legal rights to the creator of artwork, literature, or a work that conveys information or ideas. In simple words, copyright is the right of copying. Copyright gives control over how the work is used. Copyright intends to advance the progress of knowledge by giving an author of a work an economic incentive to create new works. The © sign is also often displayed on copyrighted objects. (iii) Trademark Trademark identies a product or service and distinguishes it from other products and services. Trademarks are protected by intellectual property rights which identies that the product or service belongs to a specic organization. It can be an easily recognizable word, phrase, logo, or symbol and often mentioned as TM (Trade Mark). Trademark helps organizations to market their products and services locally and globally. Developing trademarks is creative work and can be done professionally. There are many software available for developing Trademarks.


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