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Computer Crime in Real Life

As technology is growing the data security has become so crucial. We can be a victim of computer crime at any time. Computer crime can range from an international data security threat to a personal offense.

Computer Crime in Real Life

Computer Crime in Real Life

As technology is growing the data security has become so crucial. We can be a victim of computer crime at any time. Computer crime can range from an international data security threat to a personal offense. In 2013, hackers managed to hack 1 billion email accounts of the users. Likewise, in 2017, the WannaCry virus attacked the National Health Service in the United Kingdom which made the whole system nonfunctional for several days. As far as personal offenses are concerned, hacking the social media and mail accounts are so common. There are many genres of computer crime or now called cyber-crimes. Someexamples of such crimes in real life are discussed here.
(i) Hacking
Hacking is perhaps the most common crime in the computer world. Hackers can steal our WiFi, email or social media accounts’ passwords. Hackers also attack a website and take it down. However, the scope of hacking is much wider. The hackers can also steal sensitive information from government and business organizations, make fraudulent transactions and erase data on the cloud or network computers.
(ii) Credit and Debit Card Scam
Keeping debit or credit cards is a common practice but insecure use of these cards can be dangerous. If a person has information about our debit or credit card he or she can make fraudulent transactions. There are various ways to get this information. One way is through scamming. Scammers set small machines inside an ATM or credit card machine. These machines copy the data which is then misused by the scammers. Debit and credit cards are also secured with PIN codes. User has to keep
this code secret otherwise any person can use the card for online shopping and other purposes. All he or she needs to know our credit card number, PIN and security code printed on the back of the cards.
Computer Crime in Real Life
(iii) Phishing
Phishing is a method of trying to gather personal information using false e-mails and websites. In Phishing, perpetrators contact the target person through email, telephone or text message and pose as a legitimate and trusted individual. He or she asks the target to provide sensitive data such as personally identiable information, banking and credit card details and passwords for different reasons. The information is then used to access different accounts and can result in identity theft and nancial loss.
Computer Crime in Real Life 
(iv) Clickjacking  
Have you ever seen any video tagged as “OMG? You won’t believe what this boy has done!” or did you nd a button on a website that asked to click to claim a reward you had never applied for? This is a kind of fraud which is called Clickjacking. Usually, culprits target children or novice internet users to click on a link containing malware or trick them into sharing private information via social media sites. 
 (v) Cyber Bullying or Harassment Electronic means like a computer, mobile phone or internet are also used for online bullying or harassment. Harmful bullying behavior can include posting rumors, threats, passing inappropriate remarks, leaking personal information, blackmailing and committing hate speech. The perpetrator does it with the intent to cause harm to the victim. Victims may experience lower self-esteem, intent to commit suicide and a variety of negative emotional responses, including being scared, frustrated, angry and depressed.
Computer Crime in Real Life

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