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Ordered List

An ordered list also displays a list of related items. It is used where the order of the list is important e.g. names of students in order of their exam ranks. It is dened by tag and each of its list item is dened by The web browser will display these list items with numbers starting from 1 instead of bullet points. 

Ordered List

This can also be dened with two of its attributes: start and reversed. Start attribute denes the starting number of rst list item. Reversed attribute is used to display the list in descending order. The list items for ordered list can also be dened with a value attribute which is used to place that item at a specic position or number in the list.

Steps to create HTML file
  1. Text Editor
  2. New File
  3. HTML codes
  4. Save as .html

<li>Mix flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt.</li>
<li>In another bowl, mix eggs, milk, and oil.</li>
<li>Stir both mixtures together.</li>
<li>Fill muffin tray 3/4 full.</li>
<li>Bake for 20 minutes.</li>

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