ICT Quiz Level3

Advanced ICT MCQs for experts in the field of computer science. Prepared by Syed Kumail Shah (Director GIT Education) Best of luck to all candidates


You have 200 seconds to complete the quiz!

You have 200 seconds to complete the quiz!

Created on
ICT DIT Notes Books Course Outline by Syed Kumail Hassan

ICT Quiz Level3

1 / 20

Moore's Law?

2 / 20

First page of Website is termed as-

3 / 20

What type of computers are client computers (most of the time) in a client-server system?

4 / 20

………………… Is the appearance of typed characters?

5 / 20

GUI stands for _______________________

6 / 20

…………… is the science that attempts to produce machines that display the same type of intelligence that humans do

7 / 20

You cannot use a variable until you have _____________ to it.

8 / 20

IDE consists of

9 / 20

Which is a device that changes information into digital form?

10 / 20

BCD is

11 / 20

ASCII is a coding system that provides

12 / 20

The amount of vertical space between lines of text in a document is called

13 / 20

The most common binary code in use today is the 8 bit ASCII code. What do the letters ASCII stand for?

14 / 20

A billionth of a second is defined as a:

15 / 20

You organize files by storing them in

16 / 20

Full form of DBMS.....

17 / 20

Which of the following statements is true?

18 / 20

A prefix for billion which is equal to _____ is called as billi.

19 / 20

Coded entries which are used to gain access to a computer system are called

20 / 20

Which of the following contains permanent data and gets updated during the
processing of transactions?

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The average score is 51%

